Saturday, 18 June 2016

A little imagination

"Logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere”-Albert Einstein

It is astonishing how many different people there are in the world. I know everyone are unique and do everything in their own way. But have you ever gone and watched people closely, and see what they admire, what drives them, what their passions are? I have done this numerous times. Just go to a public place and see how people function. It is just astonishing. Everyone has an imagination and we have to learn the ability to use it in everything we do. We need to go out and see how people function so that we do not end up the same. Life is very short and the only thing that is in the same routine is us humans. We stand up we do our thing, we sleep and repeat. People are becoming depressed and moan every day that they are bored out of their minds but what do they do? They do not use this wonderful thing we have which is called an imagination.
I have been sitting and pondering on this topic for a fairly long time, but I never knew how to word my ideas until now.

Our daily routines have drilled it into our minds that when we move from A to B we must only focus on the destination ahead. Our minds are programmed to only focus on the road ahead we are not programmed to stop alongside the road and admire the scenery. I have asked this exact question to a few people and all of them say “we never look at the landscape when we go places.” We are so focused on what lies ahead we forget what is right in front of us.

People of today struggle to see the little things in life or to gain motivation, but I can never see them applying a little imagination to the process. I am also guilty of this I sometimes forget to sit breathe and involve a little colour in the situation.

We need to open our minds and see what is in front of us. We need to stop living in the past, because it is gone. We should not live for tomorrow because it is not promised we should live now in the moment. So when you drive home from work, take a detour and discover new pathways, discover what you have missed.

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