Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Life train on a rainy evening

"Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you need to keep moving."-Albert Einstein

LIfe is like a moving train, from the day you are born till the day you die.On this train ride of life you can choose whether or not you want to force this train to stop or not. To stop this train you must crash and burn because there is no coming back like everything is normal. The only thing one can do is to try and rebuild it from the ashes. 
On this train ride we decide who will be the passengers and when they are bound to leave the train. These passangers include anything and anyone, form your demons of the present and past, to the people we care and love for.
BUT like I said in the beginning to keep balance in your life you have to keep moving, you cannot stand still and expect that you will stay up right. The same is for the train ride story we have to keep moving forward to not cause  a train crash. Once you let the train ride stand still for to long it will cause an irrevudable dissaster.

But why all this mambo jumbo about life being a train ride? Well the reason  is because I have let my train stop in one place for to long.  I have lost a few people on the way and i have got the chance to mend some broken and forgetten relationships. I also got the chance to let someone on who i have never thought i could get close to so quickly. I have crashed and burned before it caused me a great deal of pain and also a very dear friend, he did not only save my life but in the process he has let go of his own. He was the main reason i got up and started to rebuild my life, but recently i have started to let my life train slow down and old ways have come to make a new and what once was new have become old. My beautiful scenery have turned into a all crimson scene. I have tried to make a new ways to stray from the old but it does not go away. The one friend who i have never thought i could be so close to so quickly. He could see my pain from the start, even though i wear my sunglasses to mask my eyes, because as the say the eyes of a person is a link to their soul. My friend has helped me to see a more clear path and has helped me to see a way through the crimson land.

Tonight my train of thought pulls away and who knows where it will stop. I sit in the dark of my appartment and look at the rain pouring down. But I sit here tonight with a glass of red wine staring trough the crimson to the moon above me and to the street lights below me. Here I sit tonight and I think to myself what does not kill us does not only make us stronger but it makes us fighters.


  1. I absolutely loved this! Especially in the end when there is a link between the colour of crimson and the wine!
    I thoroughly agree, a train's purpose is not to stand unused but to transport its passengers to new locations and more specifically their destination. Where it stops, we will never know but it must eventually stop at a place we call home; our paradise!

    1. Also, that picture is really awesome and fits really well with the text!
